Seishun Gakuen (青春学園, Seishun Gakuen, Seigaku for short) is a middle school which is famous for its tennis club, mostly thanks to Echizen Nanjiro joining. Years later, his son Ryoma joins as well, and greatly helps the team.
Fudomine Middle School (市立不動峰中学校, Fudōmine Chūgakkō) is the only public middle school shown in the series, other schools being private. Due to an incident involving violence, Fudomine was unable to participate the year before, but the year later shows their true strengths.
St.Rudolph (私立聖ルドルフ学院中学校, Shiritsu Kiyoshi Rudorufu Chūgakkō) is a school which recruits gifted students from different places and the team only practices with each other only once a week.
Yamabuki (私立山吹中学校, Shiritsu Yamabuki Chūgakkō) is a national-level team, with their main strengths being their doubles. Their coach, Banjii, was around when Nanjiro was in Seigaku.
Hyotei Academy (私立氷帝学園中等部, Shiritsu Hyotei Gakuen Chūtōbu) is shown to be Seigaku’s rival school. The team consists of 200 members, with the true regulars only showing themselves at the Kanto tournament. It has a strict policy with the players all competing for the regular spot and whoever “gave up on the team” is removed from the team.
Other Schools in the Kanto Area[]
Josei Shonan (城成湘南中学校, Jōsei Shōnan Chūgakkō, in the anime, is known for their coordination coaching. They reside in the Kanagawa Prefecture, like Midoriyama. In the manga, Midoriyama defeats Josei Shonan, while in the anime, Josei Shonan defeats Midoriyama and goes on to play against Seigaku.
Rokkaku (市立六角中学校, Rokkaku Chūgakkō) is known as the school with a freshman captain. Their coach, Oji, makes special wooden racquets to match the regular’s play style, personality, and skill. They reside in the Chiba area.
Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku (私立立海大附属中学校, Shiritsu Rikkai Dai Fuzoku Chūgakkō) has won the Japanese National Tournament for two years in a row, earning them the reputation of the best middle school in Japan. They reside in the Kanagawa Prefecture.
Midoriyama (緑山中学校, Midoriyama Chūgakkō), in the manga, is known for its specialty coaches, with one of them being a former professional player. Its regulars are all second-years, and although they are skilled, they are arrogant. In the anime, Josei Shonan defeats Midoriyama and goes on to play Seigaku, while in the manga, it is the other way around.
Schools in other areas[]
Shitenhōji (四天宝寺中学校) is one of the strongest schools in the Kansai region. Last year, they lost to Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku in the National semi-finals, although they put up the best fight compared to all the other schools. With the addition of new regulars, they are now stronger than ever.
Higa Middle School (比嘉中学校, Higa Chūgakkō) is the first team in the Okinawa Prefecture to make it past the Kyūshū tournament in 26 years. They all know Okinawa Martial Arts, and is not above using violence to solve their problems.
Nagoya Seitoku is a tennis team formed by foreigner middle schoolers who believed that tennis in Japan was weak. They made it to the national semi-finals, losing to Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku.
List of schools of unknown region[]
Yamahigashi High[]
Nothing is known about it except that Abare Ishii (a minor character) is in that school.